Tag Archives: independent novel

Monday, September 18, 2017

SSR or Independent Reading Time (10 minutes)

The Independent Reading Log. 

Case Study 2: Motivated to Take Action

English Notebook: 

  • What are some reasons people get bullied?
  • In what ways might schools, administration, and teachers make bullying worse?
  • What would you do to improve your school, community, or the world if you had a million dollars?
  • How can media and social media help promote positive causes?

For tomorrow “Jeremy Dias: Jer’s Version”

  • Read
  • Annotate

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I am in the building today, but not in class.

9:00 – 9:25 Whole School Reading Block

Learning goals are posted in the classroom.

1) Update your reading tracking sheet. Make sure you add in all the pages read since the last time you updated it.  (5m)

2) Complete Reading Log #1  (20m)

3) Writing prompt #1. Read the poems and then write 8-10 sentences on the prompt: Who am I?  (25M)

4) Log into a device and go to Sesame. If you don’t have Sesame bookmarked:

  1. go to the class blog
  2. go to the page called SESAME
  3. scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the link.

Add one snap for each of your 3 goals using the planning frames you completed for each goal:

  1. Mark goal
  2. Growth mindset goal
  3. Learning skill goal


Your mark goal snap might sound something like this:

In ENG1D, I would like to earn a mark of_________. To earn this mark, I will need to focus on keeping up with the class and using the feedback I get on my work to help me improve in future learning. First, I will build on the skills I already have. For example, my attendance is really good and I listen well in class. These skills will help me keep up with the course. I do need to ask questions when I am unsure of what the learning is, so I don’t waste time. Secondly, Ms. Balen has said that if I get my work in on time, then I will have the chance to revise my work and re-submit it. I will work at meeting the deadlines so that I can use the feedback to help me strengthen my learning. To help me stay on track two people will support me. At home, my mom will encourage me to work on my course because I will tell her about my goals. At school, my friend and table mate, ______________________, will help me because we have similar goals and we both want to succeed in high school.